Sunday, December 17, 2006

My Name is Rachel Corrie

Watching this 90-minute one woman show brings to mind a very interesting question: how can a play with timely and provocative subject matter and a real message be so deathly boring? Part of the fault lies in Kerry Bishe, who played Rachel at yesterday's closing performance. She was flatly monotone throughout, and played Rachel (a Washington State native) with an overexaggerated Midwestern accent. The text itself is also at fault. It was adapted by Alan Rickman and Katherine Viner directly from the journals and e-mails of Ms. Corrie, who, let's just say, didn't exactly write or speak like a Nobel laureate. The show could have greatly benefitted from the gentle hand of a dramaturg. Rachel Corrie was an idealist who died for what she believed in. Sadly, with this treatment, she comes off merely as a quixotic fool.

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